Session Logs
The party decsends the steep secret staircase heading south. As the bottom is approached a large violet mushroom can be seen just beyond the bottom landing. Queeg recognizes this as a Shrieker and dispenses it with a Scorching Ray spell. This level smells foul as if soemthing were rotting nearby. The party follows the passage to the north-west where it intersects a north south passage. Ther is a door to the north which Edagr listens at, checks for traps, and carefully unlocks. Opening the door reveals 25' diamter round room with several beds, a table coverd in items, and a large chest beneath the table. There is also another door. As thr group moves intot he room, some to investigate the coor and others the chest they are surprised by three assassing who drop from the wal;s and ceiling overhead and strike. In the suprise attack Rebecca is struck down and nearly killed. Despite the ferociousness of the initial assault though, the party makes short work of the three assassins and quickly fells them.
Exiting through the other door in this room leads to a short hall and another door from behind which moans can be heard. Preparing for the worst the group enters and find a alrge oddly shaped room full of torture implements and containing several prison cells.
Down to levels 3, over to level 4
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