
Session 38

Page history last edited by Ethan 14 years, 9 months ago

Session Logs



Thursday, March 25th, 2010. Concord, NH

Players Present, Mike, Jeff, and Tim. 


Having arrived at the far end of the 1/2 mile passage to the the East, the party arrives in a round, rubble-strewn chamber. The floor below is covered in dust which reaveals the tracks of three human sized tracks heading off into the darkness due north. A breif searcdh turns up nothing of interest in here so it's decided to reconoiter northwards and then possibly retreat back down the long passage for fear of missing something important behind.


Heading north the small rooms opens quickly into a high vaulted wide hall running East to West. Many columns are spaced here supporting the ceiling. Each column bears four carved faces, one upon each side facing north south, east, and west. All the faces appear unique and each bears a didadem upon it's head emblazoned with an eight pointed star inset with a large "M." Clearly you have arrived in the actual dungeons below the dreaded Maure Castle.


Passages exit this long hall to both the north and south in great numbers. Another debate about how to proceed is had with Gareth wishing to follow the faint tracks in the dust to their detination or investigate some doors to the side and the others wishing to return through the long passage. In the end it's decided to follow the tracks and then return.


The tracks head along the hall and then turn south through a side passage a few twists and turns. At an intersection of several passages a green glow can be seen. Investigation reveals a glowing green tranparent wall blocking the passage ahead and behind it, sitting against a wall is an old man in robes. The party approaches cautiously and converse with this man who claims to be a wizard and adventurer separated from his compnaions during a battle three days before and now trapped here by this energy wall conjured by one Eli Tomorast. Egar is convinced this man is lying about something. He requests your aid in freeing himself, but grows impatient with the suspicous questions that follow. As the party continues to probe his resposes, the strange man wanders off down a side corridor beyond the green energy wall.


Unsure of what to do the party debates. Detritus thrown appears to pass through the green wall. Finally Sir Gareth bravely attempts to step through the energy field, and it wavers and disappears. Proceeding a few feet on down the hall to see where the old man has gone, a sloping passageway is found to teh side, but ahead is something more interesting. A room covered in glowing writing and images! As the group approaches a strage figure is seen in the back of the room. A man, tall with an imposing visage and goatee, his arms below the elbow appear demon-like. It is Eli Tomorast himself!


With a cry the party decides to attack, but are beset first by two minions hidden alongside the entrance to the room and then delayed as Eli calls upon mighty arcane forces to stop time. With dawning horror the party realizes they are facing a wizard capable of casting the most mighty of spells. Commited now the battle is joined. Attempts to reach Eli and stop him from destroying the party mostly fail. Aan'Achi uses her dimension door power to appear next to Eli and is immedietly slain by a Phatasmal Killer spell. Rebecca summons a huge Air Elemental that fails to grab Eli as he flys up and the Disintigrates it. Gareron nearly falls to a lighning bolt, just as the party finishes off Eli's minions. Queeg is ready to quaff a potion of flying and attempt to attack Eli in the air when he hits the group with a Cone of Cold. In dire straits and unable to even wound the mighty wizard the party withdraws through the use of Queeg's magical regrouping and, as they flee they here Eli call out to someone, saying "turlathane, bring Yug Anark to me immedietly."


Dashing out the great hall and back towards the long tunnel, the party takes a moment to see if pursuit is directly behind them, and fiiding none takes a moment to heal a bit. The long treck back passes slowly but the party is determined to return to the warren like lvel above to rest and recover. Unfortunately Egar's scounting reveals two difficult passages back tot eh stairs. The way traveeled before is now blocked by two hulking Demons, and the other path is blocked by a room full of thigh-deep feces. Deciding to face the demons, the pary find themselves belegeured by the barrage of spells that sap their strength and slow their attacks, Most of the party is down when Queeg and Gareth finally win through. Barely able to reamin standing the party struggles back up the long staircase to the level above.

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