

Page history last edited by Ethan 14 years, 2 months ago

Ethan's D&D 3.5 Campaign

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Humor: Where would we be without it?



Devon: I have a Charisma of 20, I should be able to get better prices for our loot.

Ethan: You wouldn't really be good at finding better dealers.

Ben: Can I use Gather Information to find those dealers?

Ethan: {examines continuing equipment arguemnt at other end of table} *SIGH* Why Not!


Ethan: You find better places.

Devon: I will roll to see if I can schmooze them....how low does this zipper go? <BIG ROLL>

Ethan: {interupting equipemnt argument} Hey, these folks have gotten you X% more cash for your junk!

Devon: Wait a second, they don't have to know that!

Ethan: *GRIN*



Mike: "34!"

Ethan: "Miss."

Mike: "-blink-blink-"

Mike: "Next round it's dead"

Ethan: "The Hezrou uses Blasphemy, you are dazed."

Mike: "Next round it's dead"

Ethan: "The Hezrou uses Blasphemy, you are dazed."

Mike: "Next round it's dead"

Ethan: "The Hezrou uses Blasphemy, you are dazed."

Mike: -obscene hand gesture-


The party sure showed that Green Hag a thing or two! While she was babbling on and on about

"go away" and "the Green God," all it took was a quick cast of Ghoul Touch and a Coup de Grace.

After searching the area for the artifact they were told would be here and finding nothing, our

intrepid heroes stand staring down at the body of the hag.


Mike: "Maybe we shouldn't have killed it"

Jeff: "We can use Speak with Dead to find out if she knew something important."

Tim: "Rebecca doesn't have it memorized, we'll have to cast it tomorrow"

Mike: "Should we try and camp here for the night?"

Ethan: *smiles*

Tim: "I don't think that would be safe. We should head back to town."

Mike: "What if something happens to the body during the night"

Jeff: "I take the hag's body back to my room at the Inn to keep it safe for the night"

Ethan: ?????? !!!!!!! ???????

Mike: "You can't take a body to the Inn!"

Tim: "Maybe we only need the head"

Ethan: ?????? !!!!!! ????????

Mike: "I don't think the Inn is a good place to try and stash the body, what about the church?"

Ethan: ?????? !!!!!! ????????


Another day. another hag. Staring at the body of Madam Eva the Annis Hag they've just slain.


Mike: "I don't understand why she attacked us?" 

Ethan: "Maybe it had something to do with the Charm Person wand you tried to use on her."

Mike: "Maybe we shouldn't have killed her"

Jeff: "We can use Speak with Dead to find out if she knew anything important."

Tim: "Rebecca doesn't have it memorized, we'll have to cast it tomorrow." 

Jeff: "We just need the head, right?"

Ethan: *sigh*



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