
Session 16

Page history last edited by Ethan 15 years, 9 months ago

Session Logs



Concord, NH Thursday, July 10th,  2008 

Players present, Mike, Tim, and Jeff


After a fitful nights rest barricaded in the Blood on the Vine Tavern the party and Ashlyn set out for the church on the north-western edge of town. After passing over the barricades the party is beset at the next intersection by several ghasts and more zombies. The fight goes well, until near the end when several party members are paralyzed. Never-the-less you win through and proceed along to the church. This large structures once fine windows are boarded up and all that can be seen is flickering light through many holes in the roof.


Egar scouts around the church and spies the cemetery behind, but is unable to see within the church as the windows are boarded from without and within. Listening at the front door he can hear chanted prayers but they seem to make no sense. The party readies itself and Egar picks the lock on the doors. Within is a hall with four doors and that opens onto a large room with smashed pews strewn about. A large hole in the floor is directly in front of the altar and the sound of the nonsense prayers comes from that direction.


Egar slips invisibly into the main hall proceeding toward the altar as the others move in. The doors in the hall all open revealing zombies and yet another deathlok. As the fight enues, Egar skirt around behind the altar finding a robed man squatting behind it clutching a piece of parchment and mumbling nonsense prayers. Turning visible, Egar announces that they are here to help. The surprised man jumps up screaming that “You will not take my son from me!” He then reads aloud from the scroll in his hand raising a Circle of Death. Most of the part is struck and resists the spell, but Ashlyn is slain instantly and collapses.


Queeg has dispatched the Deathlok in the meantime, and seeing the threat of the crazed old man charges him. Caught between the two and severely wounded, the old priest leaps over the altar and through the hole in the floor into the darkness below. As the others deal with the zombies Queeg jumps in pursuit of priest and into the darkened basement. Here he is immediately assaulted by the hulking undead form that was once Doru, son of Danovich, but is now a Blaspheme. The terrible creature nearly slays Queeg with a single attack.


Egar and Rebecca quickly move to join Queeg in the basement as he cries out for help. Gareth is still dealing with the last Zombie above. The fight goes ill with Rebecca knocked out and near death, Egar beset by the old priest Danovitch and two more zombies, and Queeg clinging to life in the face of the terrible onslaught of the Blaspheme. Gareth start to turn the tied by jumping down and knocking Queeg back out of the path of Doru. With the judicious use of a Ray of Enfeeblement and a quick potion administered to Rebecca by Queeg, the tide continues to turn. All is uncertain though, as everyone is near death and the weakened Blaspheme is still a fearsome foe.


With a sudden realization Rebecca draws forth one of the cave scrolls and reads aloud the Mass Cure Critical Wounds spell, saving the party from quick death. Reinvigorated, Gareth and Queeg finally hack down the Blaspheme which also slays the zombies here, on the floor above, and it is soon discovered, everywhere in the town. Danovitch, driven even deeper into insanity by the destruction of Doru fights on but is quickly overcome.


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