Session Logs
Concord, NH Thursday, 2008
Players present, Mike, Tim, and Jeff
After defeating the Stone Dragons and Gargoyles in the entrance hall (K7, K8) you take stock of your surroundings. The darkness in the large octagonal hall (k8) seems to press closely around you as if the very air is turning opaqe. Ahead to the East two huge bronze doors stand closed. Northwards to your left is a wide staircase rising gracefully upward and around a corner to the West. To the South from a darkened hall comes the delicious smell of food.
Following the hall to the South (K9) you find a set of double doors on the Western wall from which the smell seems to eminate. To the East is a short hallway ending in spiral stairs going both up and down. The entrance to the hall is guarded by an ancient and stained suit of armor standing in an alcove to the right and holding a halberd. Gareth inspects the hall and statue finding both empty. He then disarms the statue to be safe. Listening at the double doors a voice can be heard within, though the words are indistinguishable.
The double doors open into a dark room (k10) set with large tables on which is laid a huge feast. Overhead crystal chandleiers swing in a breeze and a figue can be seen sitting nearby at the head of one of the tables. As you enter the figure turns toward you and you see a dark haired man dressen in fine clothing. He speaks: “Welcome to my home.” He invites you to sit and join him. The converstaion goes back and forth as he keeps trying to get you all to sit and talk, but the group reamins standing. Gareth smashes s few things and lets him know that he does not bear him any good will. You discover that this is indeed Ishtvan ans he claims you have done him several favors, such as returning Ireena to him. The discussion proves fruitless and Gareth’s provocations finally bring you to blows. Ishtvan casts a spell sending a pulsating purple lightning bolt towards Gareth who both suffers damage and feels his vitality drain away as he loses a level. Ireena seems to be stuck in a stunned state as the rest of the party move to strike down Ishtvan. He strike at Egar and Queeg both, draining more levels. Queeg does manage to strike him with his blade and Ishtvan seems sticken for a moment by the sight of the reforged sunsword. Another few blows and he is reduced to gaseous form and drifts westward throught he back wall of this room.
A difficult search of the back wall reveals a secret door, and Gareth meanwhile rouses Ireena from her trance-like state. You pass through the secret door and find yourselves in narrow web filled coridors that seem to be used to access the arrow slits that for the castles defensive positions (K11, K12.) You pass down a long web-filled coridor and discover a spiral staircase going up and down. Up is chosen and you all climb the stairs. After a moment you come to another web-filled hall and the stairs continue upwards, so you follow them on. After another climb the stairs end upon the battlements. Walkways run off to the South across a wall dividing the courtyard below and ending on the outer wall battlements, and the West path head toward one of the corner towers. You see several dirt caked windows and after some investigation break the first and enter a large room (K36.)
Within is a lrage table on which stand a many-tiered wedding cake sagging to one side and now colored green with mold. Before you can investigate strange unearthly music comes to your ears and you see a ghostly form across the room. Several of the party shake off the music entrancing effects, but Queeg succumbs and feels his vitality slipping away as he is paralyzed by the music. The group rushes to attack and slay the Crypt Chanter before he can fully drain Queeg’s life force. Note: Someone else became affected as well (Egar? Or Gareth?) But I’ve forgotten who at thi point, sorry! In the end you dispatch the creature and take stock of the two possible exits. Choosing the Eastern door, Gareth opens it to see two Ghostly soldiers guarding another spiral stair. Attempts to slma the door in their face fail as the creatures sail right through the walls and attack. These are paltry foes though, and they fall in but a moments time. You all movbe ahead to the new spiral staircase and again choose the upward path.
After a time you come to a landing with a door. The stairs continue on as well, but you stop to investigate. Gareth tries the door and set off the Word of Chaos trap! He is quickly overcome with irrational behavior babbling wildly, threatening everyone, or even standing mutely. Through quick action you manage to tie him up and await the spells effects to pass. Luckily the room behnd the door (K49) contained no enemies. Instead it appears to be a reading room with many shelves of books on all sort of topics. Also there is a door which you investigate and find leads to a bedroom with a huge canopy bed within. It also contains a large closet. Gareth recovers and Egar searches finding a cache of items under the matress including a journal, a scroll, and a silver ring. The journal belonged to one Donovan Harp who stayed here some ten years ago. He was here to do busniess with the nobleman Ishtvan, but become trapped by him. He mentions that this room always was safe for him, even at night. The journal ends with mention that a strange woman named Khyristrix appeared to himt he night before and asked him to come to the top of the tower the next night she would help him escape. In the closet Egar discovers a secret passage in the ceiling with a drop down metal ladder.
Climbing the Ladder the group emerges into some sort of alchemical lab (K55) with many worktables, books on stands, a large cauldrom, and such. There are several doors as well. As the party spreads out to investigate the room is plunged into darkness as the three warlocks who use this lab attack. Confusion and mayhem reign as the shadowy room is lit by magical blasts and you fight for your lives. In the end, two of the three are struck down and the third magically escaped. Breathing heavily you all turn to healing and investigating the room. One of the doors was openend during the fight and opens on a bed chamber (K56) containing three comfortable looking beds and personal items. Back in the lab a large book written in an unknown tongue stands on a podium. Peaking into the large cauldron, Queeg spies part of a silver key at the bottom through the transparent goo within. As he poke a dead warlocks spear into the vessel in an attempt to get the key, he discovers that the goo is in fact a gelatinous cube.
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