
Session 27

Page history last edited by Ethan 15 years, 8 months ago

Session Logs




Concord, NH Wednesday May 20th, 2009

Players present: Jeff, Mike, and Tim


After dispatching the demons at the bottom of the stairs you find yourself in a room blood stained room with two doors. The first leads to an office, well kept with desk and shelves. Standing within is a half-celestial man in armor, his mace raised. He stres at you for a moment and then lowers his weapon.


The knight introduces himself as Fandromar, a paladin on quest to defeat the evil in this castle. He claims to come from afar, summoned by request of the Burgomster of Bradeni to help them against the evil lord of these lands. He explains that had recently arrived and having entered this room from a secret stairway he heard the sounds of battle from beyond the door, and then you stepped within. Egar searches the wall indicated by Famdromar and does find a secret door, which you leave closed. After further questioning you all decide to let Fandromar join you, but remain suspicous of his intentions.


Exiting the office you explore beyond the other door in the blood-stained room. Here you find a long low hall filled with smashed tables and debris. Clearly a battle happened here. A small door at the far end, and two double doors along one wall are the exits from here. From your ealier exploration you think he double doors will lead to the low hall you explored before, near the wine cellar. To be sure you check this and again run ibto Cyrus. He seems as addled and distracted as before, and surprised to see you. You have a brief conversation about the battle that happened in the room you just exited. He tells you that a group of people came to destroy the master a few years ago and he marshalled his forces and killed and defeated them here. He comments that their remain are in the crypts below marked with a warning about those who would seek to contend with the master's will. Cyrus then begs off the conversation saying he must attend to his cooking and exits through a side door.


There are three doors and a stairsway going up on this side of the hall, which you have yet to investigate. A careful investigation of the first reveals a small bedroom stuffed with junk; bent shielld, smashed hellms, broken swords, and other detritus abound. There is a small clear space on the bed that someone could just curl up in. Deciding this must be Cyrus' room, you investigate the next door. This lead to the kitchen, as does the next door, and within is Cyrus busily puttering about. A huge bubbling cauldron stands in the center of the room, and before it stands a zombie thrusting his hands about in the bubbling contents of it. Cyrus says hello and invites you in for a taste. He approaches the cauldrom and smacks the zombie with his wooden spoon. When you question him about the zombie not attacking him, he comments that Thera has put this one under his command and again invites you in. You all decline and move on to investigate the stairs. 


The stairs climb upwards back to the main floor and what appears to be several wooden walled rooms with grimey windows facing the courtyard. One has a door outside which you investigate but see only the courtyad and a crumbling stable against the outer walls. The other room has a rickety wooden staircase going up. Fandromar suggest returning below to seek out the evil, and you all decide that is the best course for now. Descending down you return to the dining hall with ruined table to investigate the door at the far end. This leads to a hall ending in a spiral staircase rising up, which you recognize as the guards stairwell leading to the parapets. A side hall here leads to a group of small rooms on either side containing rotting cots and trunks. In the last room on the left you find the other half of the portal kep carelessly stashed in the bottom of one trunk.


Seaking a way down you proceed back through the dinig hall and out towards the kitchen hall. Here you pass through the door leading to the trapped ahll and spiral staircase. Descending this staircase you feel the air grow damper and cooler. The stairs spiral down ending in a water filled hall. You find the water here to be waist deep and cold. This hall seems to have two side braches half-way down and end in a door. Some of you hear what sounds like faint cries for help coming from somewhere ahead. With Egar in the lead, the party slowing proceeds downt he hall, triggering but avoiding several traps along the way. At the intersection you see two shallow sets of stairs leading to doors. Cries seem to be coming from behind the door to the left.


After struggling to force open the door you see a dungeon hall containing cells, soem with rusted bars, others still solid. Cries come from the furthest cell on the left. The water here is deeper, coming up to your chests. Proceeding ahead you find a man begging to be freed. He claims his name is Emil and he was investigating the castle in search of treasure when he was knowcked out and woke up here. He isn't sure how long he's been in here, but he's freezing cold.  Egar manages to open the lock, but a wraith suddenly appears behind Egar and Gareth, and zombies rise up out of the black water in the neighboring cells. The fight is on.


At this moment, Fandromar, who is back in the main hall with Rebecca and Queeg, strikes Queeg from behind with his mace, catching him flat-footed. Egar and Gareth make there way back out of the cell hall as the wraith is destroyed by Rebecca's turning. Queeg is heavily injured by Fandromar, who heals many of his own wounds and fights on for a short while before falling to the parties attacks.


Passing through the door at the end of the hall you enter what appears to be a large flooded torture chamber. To the right is a raised balcony where two large ornate thrones sit and upon them are two forms. One is a hooded form, the other appears to be a glowing translucent woman wearing a ruined gown.  The hooded woman glances in your directions and says "Stefania, kill the intruders." She then rises and disappears behind a large curtain to the rear of the thrones. The translucent woman glides down towards you while zombies and other fell creatures rise from the murky water in the room.  After a short battle, Stefania the Spectre and the other creatures within are destroyed.


Moving some of the water logged torture equipemnt around allows you to climb up to the balcony. Egar investigates the thrones while Gareth and Queeg look behind the curtain, where they find a door. Egar find some hidden treasure under one of the thrones cushions, before turning his attention to picking the lock of the door behind the curtain.


The door opens to a large room filled with bookshelves and a large cauldron i the conter. Behind the cauldron stands the cloaked woman you had just seen. To either side stand large, clearly undead, giants. With a brief word, Egar seizes the initiative and charges after the woman. The party moves to join in and you all briefly regret the act as the giants wade in to combat with immense blows. The woman is quickly brought low before she can unleash deadly spells, but the cauldrom's contents erupt in violence as they turn out to be a necromantic ooze. After a hard fight, the party is victorious.







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