Session Logs
Rochester NH, Thursday January 3rd, 2008
Players present: Jeff, Mike, and Tim.
Having finished laying low in Shiran and then completing your training, you set to investigating more closely the spoils of your last adventure and planning your next one. After much consideration you all decided to follow the map left by Gaerdies Mulinex, late high priest of Pelor to the ruins in the Barrier Peaks. Since the journey is going to be long, Sir Gareth decided to equip the party appropriately by purchasing a wagon and filling it with necessary items. He also contracted a small group of mercenary warrior cavalry to act as baggage guards, bringing the total number of hirelings to five. It was also decided to investigate the rumors of a rogue wizard in the Lortmil mountains who is assaulting merchant caravan’s with humanoid troops, since this is somewhat on the way to your destination.
Before leaving Shiran, Egar wanted to try and open the mysterious puzzle box from the ruined temple. After several hours of mind numbing investigation he managed to open it, and found inside 22 small ivory cards. A Deck of Many Things! After thinking long and hard, the group wisely decided to put this back in the box and leave it with the priests of the Shiran Temple of Pelor for safe keeping. Perhaps you will return to it another time. Perhaps not…..
On the 7th of Ready’reat (November) the party set out to the north-east along the Kewl River. Six days later you arrived at the foothills of the Lormil mountains and began the slow trek up the pass. On the second afternoon a gnoll appeared ahead on the road and loudly demanded that you come forward. Sir Gareth then shot the gnoll with his crossbow and combat was joined. Six more gnolls concealed in the rocks above the road proceeded to rain arrows upon your party. In the ensuing combat the lead gnoll was seen to flee up a concealed trail to the east. Sir Gareth and Queeg, after finding the hidden entrance to this path, quickly sped up it in search of the fleeing gnoll. Those remaining below finished off the ambushers but nearly lost one of the warriors to arrow fire. Meanwhile Sir Gareth and Queeg found a side path leading to a curtained cave. Bursting in they found themselves engulfed in a flash of fire as gnolls within ignited oil thrown into the entranceway. Forcing their way ahead, they encountered four more gnolls in the next room and dispatched them quickly. Whereupon four more gnolls rushed in only to be quickly felled by Queeg’s Color Spray spell. A quick investigation of the remaining rooms in the cave showed a small barracks and the leaders private chamber. In that chamber the blood trail ends and several empty potion bottles are scattered on the floor. The leader is nowhere to be found. With the fight over, Sir Gareth went to check his men while Egar and Queeg investigated the caves more closely. A secret passage from the leaders room is found and the gnolls treasure is also collected.
Egar and Queeg attempt to question the gnolls taken prisoner after they recovered from the Color Spray. These gnolls don’t speak common, and Queeg and Egar put the them to the sword whilst the others are in the pass below tending to the wounded. The party gathers again to heal and take stock of their situation.
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