
Session 7

Page history last edited by Ethan 15 years, 9 months ago

Session Logs



Concord, NH Thursday, February 2nd, 2008 

Players present, Mike Tim and Jeff


The session begins with you all leaving behind the tower barracks and descending the stairs. The floor below is a store room filled with all manner of merchandise obviously extorted  from passing caravans as toll or by force. After several minutes investigating and ensuring no enemies are hiding here you again descend. The stairs here go down much further than the previous flights, and you all notice an increasing heat. Finally you arrive at the bottom and find a locked iron door. Egar makes quick work of the lock and steeling yourselves you open it an enter. You find yourselves in a huge room filled with work tables and alchemical equipment. In the center is a 10 foot wide fire pit, fully ablaze, and the walls here are dotted with many torches making  it both bright and hot. Standing directly across the room is large well muscled man, bald and stripped to the waist he stands over a long table which holds a chained female elf.  


The man stares at you and announces in a deep voice that you are all bothersome. As you move to cross the room he orders you to stop, which you promptly ignore. With a gesture a huge wall of fire rises across the room centered on the fire pit and blocking your approach. Rebecca quickly casts endure elements on Sir Gareth who stride through the wall of flames taking minor damage as the flames leap about him. Queeg, Egar, and Rebecca hurl various spells, thunder stones, and tangle-foot bags as Gareth moves in. The stranger Breathes fire upon Gareth as the Knight moves in. Roiling heat around the foe makes him difficult to hit. Queeg dashes across and onto the table holding the elf just as Gareth shoves the table to the side. Queeg dashes along the moving tabletop and leaps off onto the floor. Both he and Gareth are now face to face with the man. Flames leap from the torches on the wall and fall about them. As they strike the man vanishes and the wall of fire tumbles into nothingness. Foot-steps are heard receding down a hall and all pursue only to find an open wind in the mountainside looking out onto the river below. After ensuring that your foe hasn’t concealed himself rather than jumping you return to the laboratory, leaving Rebecca to watch the river below from the window looking for any sign of the man.


Upon returning you quickly investigate the only other door in the place finding a long hall and several more doors, the last of which is fire-trapped. Once past those Egar and Queeg find a bedroom. Meanwhile Sir Gareth releases the chained elf who introduces herself as Silaqui (sil – AH – qwee.) She claims to be carrying a message from the Queen of Celene to the Duke of Ulek in Tringlee. She recovers her items from the lab and asks if the party would consider escorting her to Tringlee for a fee. After s few questions and further raiding of the wizard’s horde of potions you burn the towers remaining contents and set off.


Deciding that it would be impossible to drive your cart–load of items off the road to get to the Tringlee pass, you settle on returning to the nearest crossing, which is your home city of Shiran. The journey is quiet and you find Silaqui to be quiet and somewhat imperious. As you approach Shiran rumor in the outlying villages is that there has been chaos in the city and the Temple of Pelor has burned. Concerned you make haste, and as you approach the city you do indeed see tell-tale wisps of smoke rising.

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